DumbbellReverse Curl

Function: Effectively trains the forearm extensor muscles and biceps, and also has a good training effect on wrist stability.

Training frequency: 3 groups each time, maximum repetitions of 8 times per group, 60 seconds rest between groups

Action: Each hand Holding a dumbbell, stand shoulder-width apart, with your hands hanging by your sides, palms facing each other, and your elbows clamped against your body. Curl upwards with force while rotating your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing downwards, then continue to curl upwards to keep your palms facing the front, and then slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Exhale when curling and inhale when lowering the dumbbells.

Bonus: This workout It can improve the stability of the wrist and effectively prevent the occurrence of "mouse hand". It is very suitable for office white-collar workers to complete this training with a small weight.

Note: The scientific name of "mouse hand" is "carpal tunnel syndrome", which means that the median nerve of the human body and the blood vessels entering the hand are affected by the carpal tunnel. Symptoms caused by oppression,It mainly causes stiffness, pain, numbness in the index finger and middle finger, and weakness in the thumb muscles. In modern times, more and more people are exposed to and use computers for long periods of time every day. Most of these Internet users repeatedly type on the keyboard and move the mouse every day. Due to long-term intensive, repeated and excessive activities of the wrist joints, wrist muscles or joints are paralyzed. , swelling, pain, and spasm, making this disease quickly become an increasingly common disease of modern civilization. Some people refer to this cluster of symptoms that are different from traditional hand injuries as "mouse hand."