Carrot (old)
  • Alias: Radish, yellow radish, clove radish, red radish, carrot, yellow root, cilantro, medicinal radish, red coral
  • Calories: 39 calories (100 grams of edible portion)
  • Category:Vegetables, fruits, bacteria and algae
Nutrient content (per 100 grams) Nutrient content (per 100 grams)
Calories (kcal) 39.00 Carbohydrates (grams) 8.80
Fat (g) 0.20 Protein (gram) 1.00
Cellulose (g) 1.10 Vitamin a688.00
Vitamin c13.00 Vitamin e0.41
Carotene4130.00 Thiamine0.04
Lactoflavin0.03 Niacin0.60
Cholesterol 1 Magnesium14.00
Calcium32.00 Iron1.00
Zinc0.23 Copper0.08
Manganese0.24 Kalium190.00
Phosphor27.00 Natrium71.40