In this article you will learn the best ways to reduce your bad cholesterol without relying on medications for the long-term.

Every year we have that date for our doctor chek-up appointment circled on the calendar and often it is dreaded, because we know we haven’t been consistent with living a healthy lifestyle. Often this dread can be reduced by making some simple changes over a short period, that can affect your blood test scores dramatically. If you don’t make changes then you are highly susceptible to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. The best approach is to pick one change and do it for a month. Once it has become habit and less daunting, then add another etc.

Here are some tips for lowering your cholesterol levels without medications:

???? Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.

???? Eat heart healthy foods (high fibre foods, omega 3 rich foods, eliminate trans fats).

???? Quit smoking.

???? Limit alcohol intake.

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