In this video, from personal trainer Alistair, demonstrates how to properly perform a lat pulldown exercise.

The term “mind body” connection sounds impressive but can be difficult to achieve without proper coaching from a professional. When you move your elbows in or out it can change the percentages of either your biceps or your lats working more, or less. This particular exercise is popular to get there big V back that most people are working towards. The following tips will improve your results by 50% and motivate you to go harder.

???? By leaning back to a 35-40 degree angle, you will use your lats mainly and then about 25% biceps involvement.

???? Be sure to use weight that allows you to get full extension and then flexion at the shoulder and elbow joints. When you increase your resisted range of motion, you will recruit more muscle fibres and increase your results.

???? Focus on your breathing technique throughout the movement. Exhale as you pull down and then inhale when the bar goes up.

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