Supersets are several exercises done one after the other without resting between them.

There are two ways to train with supersets. One is to perform two consecutive exercises for the same muscle group. Taking the biceps as an example, first do the standing barbell curled arm, and then immediately do the seated dumbbell curled arm inward raise. The disadvantage of this style of training is that you won't be as strong as you usually are when doing the second exercise. The best way to superset is the second way, which is to train opposite muscle groups or different muscle movements in pairs, such as biceps and triceps, chest and back muscles, upper and lower abs, triangles premuscular and posterior deltoid, etc.

When you pair muscle groups for exercises, your physical strength for the second set will not decrease due to the first set of exercises. In fact, your strength will even increase due to the action of blood in opposing muscle groups. For example, if you superset biceps curls and triceps neck raises or head extensions, the blood in your biceps will help you lift more weight when doing triceps exercises.

The role of supergroup:

Using superset exercises not only allows you to do more exercise in less time, but also greatly benefits cardiovascular function due to increased heart rate and helps burn fat. From another perspective, doing superset exercises will naturally cause tension. Tension will increase the level of growth hormone, and the role of growth hormone is to lose fat and build muscle.

How to use supersets for fitness?