You may have noticed the trending hashtag #Veganuary on several social media platforms in the month of January. Veganuary is for people who choose to eat only plant based foods during the month of January and potentially beyond. Many people are jumping on the plant based diet bandwagon but for what reason? The numbers indicate that many people are trying veganism to lose weight and be skinnier. Those who were vegans before it became “trendy” urge you to do it for moral reasons and not as a way to lose weight. Focusing on just weight lose can be a dangerous road to go down and may create some very big eating disorders. Registered Dietician, Susan Watson, recommends that those who are considering switching over to a plant based diet to ask themselves some very important questions.

1- Is this harmful for me physically and/or mentally?

2- What is my reason for doing this?

Susan also recommends that when you make any dietary change that you should consult with your physician first and to ensure you get all the protein, carbohydrates and fats needed to live healthfully. BBC World News published an article recently outlining things to be aware of when considering a plant based diet.

Contact us today for more information and to book a consultation.