Instead of sitting at your desk drinking your coffee on your breaks throughout the day, try to do some quick workouts with a colleague at your office. Our personal trainers always hear the number one reason that their clients don’t work out consistently is because of not having enough time. One of the most powerful tools that help keep you consistent with an exercise routine is having someone holding you accountable. Therefore find a friend that you can trust to hold each other accountable on a weekly basis. Here are the top three quick workout ideas you can do at work.

1- Access the stairwell in your building and run/walk one flight at a time, then do 15 squats and 15 pushups. Repeat this 8 times and there is your workout for the day that will energize you and only take you 15 minutes to complete.

2- Get outside and go for a brisk walk or running intervals of 30 seconds, stop and do 50 air punches then 20 alternating reverse lunges. Repeat this 8 times and that should take you 15 minutes to complete.

3- Find an open area and stretch for 15 minutes to help prevent muscles cramping etc throughout your day. Remember to properly hydrate all day by always having a water bottle at your desk and in your car.

For more great exercise ideas or to book a consultation contact us today.

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