What do you do with a fridge full of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie? We asked bodybuilder and chef Carlo Fillipone, and he gave us five ways to turn those Turkey Day leftovers into delicious, muscle-building meals. 

        <p class='slide-count'>1 of 5</p><img width="1109" height="614" src="/uploadfile/2024/1207/20241207120627266.jpg"><p class="photo-credit">Travis Rathbone</p>

Cranberry Turkey Salad

You don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving. Any time you have leftover chicken or turkey, you can double the recipe for meals all week. Click here for the recipe. 

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Travis Rathbone

Stuffing And Turkey Casserole

Since most of the carbs in this dish are fast digesting (white-based), it’s best to save it for a post-workout meal. Click here for the recipe.

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Sweet Potato Mash

Indulge guilt-free on mashed potatoes, simply because this recipes calls for sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are low in calories and the GI scale and they’ll fuel your hard-trained body with the right amount of nutrients. Click here for the recipe. 

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Travis Rathbone

Cranberry Walnut Oatmeal

Not sure what to do with leftover cranberries? Throw them into your morning oatmeal—it will be that much more flavorful and wake your body up with only 251 calories. Click here for the recipe. 

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Travis Rathbone

Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake

If you still have a craving for pumpkin-flavored foods post-holidays, throw some canned pumpkin into your pre- or post-workout shake. With 23 grams of protein, you’re muscles will be set. Click here for the recipe.