This is the basic diet plan that athletes use to prepare for competitions. This is much stricter than your usual diet, and you can’t be sloppy, otherwise your muscles will look smooth during competitions. Carter also mentioned that another mistake is to lose too much fat, which will affect your muscles and make them look flat. , which reduces muscle mass. So we have to find a balance point. You have to eat enough calories, but that must be controlled under the premise of maintaining weight. Generally speaking, a person needs 3,000 calories a day to maintain weight, and eating 2,700 to 2,800 calories a day will reduce body fat.

Personalize your diet

This is a one-day meal plan to provide you with a reference on how to structure your meal plan. First of all, you must ensure the richness of nutrients every day, and you must not eat just one. Thirdly, when dieting, just quietly lower the calories. About 200 calories is fine, as long as you don't lose muscle during this process. "If you want to increase calories you have to change the amount of protein and carbohydrates."

After doing this for two to three weeks, make a practical evaluation. You will lose more weight in the first week because it includes water weight. "One thing to keep in mind is that you can only lose a certain amount each week. In other words, you can't lose 2 pounds of body fat a week. If you are more optimistic, you can lose six to eight pounds a month. In that case, you Probably lost muscle,"

If you find that you can't lose weight in this way, you have to eat fewer calories than others. Try to reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates to 150 grams every day. It can't be too little, or the calories are less than 150 grams. 2200. If you do this your body will be in a state of hunger warning, which will cause the body to actively store body fat. If you're losing weight too quickly, you can eat 250 grams of complex carbohydrates per day.

This is his "one-day meal plan" before the game. It gives an approximate amount of calories and protein per meal. You can see that the calories are less than the usual amount, but the amount of protein is quite a bit higher, which can help him preserve muscle mass. The time above is just a reference, you can adjust it according to your own needs.

Fat loss preparation diet recipes

7 o'clock breakfast Luke protein (grams)
6 protein 50 to 70 grams cereal four slices turkey 60035

10 o'clock (breakfast)
Easily absorbed nutrients (no carbohydrates) 15040

12 o'clock Chinese food
Turkey sandwich (a piece of bread, a large layer of meat)
Avocado, olive 45050

2:30 PM
Drink protein with 50 grams of carbohydrates, 35040

4:30 before training
Nailao 15020
5 o'clock training

After training at 6:30
Drink protein (plus 30-50 grams of carbohydrates) 32040

Dinner at 7 o'clock
8 ounces of chicken, fish or red meat plus a large serving of fresh vegetables 50050

9 o'clock
Easy to absorb protein
One ​​tablespoon of peanut butter 25040
Total (approximately) 2800315