Despite extensive scientific support, people still have numerous questions about creatine.

Let's hear Coach Nick Tumminello, author of the Creatine Report, clarify these issues specifically.

There have been many questions about creatine since 1832 when a crazy French chemist named Michael Cheveul discovered an acid in skeletal muscle.

160 Years Later - Creatine monohydrate hit nutritional supplement shelves in 1992. Since then, people have been clamoring for creatine, and there are more and more questions about creatine: parents doubt whether creatine is safe, consumers are curious about how creatine works, and weightlifters wonder when to take it and how much to take. water.

As the author of The Creatine Report—a free, unbiased, and detailed review of creatine—I spent a lot of time reading the details about creatine in the scientific studies. , and also talked with many of the world's leading supplement experts, the conclusions obtained can answer all your questions about creatine. I have also put the same in-depth effort into my research on protein, and this is also provided to everyone, completely free information.

If you want your questions answered in a simple and clear way, you've come to the right place. I'll tell you all the details you should know about creatine: what it is, how to use it, how safe it is, how to fill it, side effects, and more.

1. What is creatine?

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid derived from aminoglycine, arginine and methionine. Skeletal muscle contains 95% creatine, while heart muscle, brain, and hormones contain 5%.

2. What is the function of creatine?

According to David SandlerSenior, senior trainer of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA): "Creatine allows you to exercise longer and stronger, and can help you do more reps during training. Supplement Creatine can increase the storage of creatine phosphate by 10-40%."

3. Why is creatine effective?

According to Dr. Jose Antonio, a professor at Nova Southeastern University and CEO of ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition), “Creatine acts like a fuel supply, allowing you to increase your The storage of creatine phosphate leads to rapid exercise."

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