< strong>ShoulderRecommended training actions: Barbell piece driving!

Front raise is a basic movement to exercise the anterior deltoid muscles. Using a barbell for front raises will make you more stable.

Today I want to introduce you to a great shoulder training exercise, which adds some small changes to the traditional front raise! Give your shoulders a different experience!

Car DriversCar Drivers!

This action looks like a car The driver is at the wheel, hence the name!

It mainly targets our front deltoid muscles. When the shoulders are flexed parallel to the ground, our front deltoid muscles need to maintain tension to resist gravity!

Other musclesMeat: Forearm

How to do it?

Use a standing position to easily exert force and maintain balance. Grasp the barbell with both hands, fix the elbows slightly bent, and lift the barbell upwards. (shoulder height).

Tighten your shoulder deltoid muscles, rotate the barbell with both hands, and imagine that you are turning the steering wheel! Then turn it once in the opposite direction!

Do three sets! 10 times per group (one rotation on each side counts as one)

Tighten the core muscles during the movement to stabilize the torso! Don’t appear to be hunched over!

Since it is a single-joint training exercise, it is recommended to choose a lighter bar plate. Don’t be greedy for weight and cause your body to sway and twist!

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