< strong>Strengthen the gluteus medius: elastic band seated hip abduction

During butt exercises, we often think that it is to exercise a whole muscle with a big butt! But there is more than just one muscle in the buttocks! There is also the important gluteus medius muscle!

The gluteus medius muscle is located deep within the gluteus maximus muscle. Mainly responsible for the abduction movement of our hips. At the same time, it plays an important role in stabilizing the pelvis!

The hip abductor and hip adductor muscles are a pair of antagonistic muscles. For many people, the hip abductor (gluteus medius) muscle strength is insufficient, while the hip adductor muscle group is Hyperactive! When their muscle strength is imbalanced, it will affect our joint alignment and lead to knee valgus!

Today we will introduce how to use elastic band resistance to strengthen our gluteus medius!

Action teaching

Starting position: Take a sitting position, put the circular elastic band above the knee joint, lift the chest and abdomen, and keep the torso upright!

Action process: Activate the gluteus medius, resist the tension of the elastic band, and unfold the legs outward


1. Always keep your trunk stable and do not hunch over

2. Move slowly and carefully feel the feeling of hip contraction