I'm Mike Robertson and you're watching Scientific Fitness ——The most systematic legmuscle training method.


If you really want to balance your body shape, you can never ignore your lower limbs. In my It seems that the muscles of the lower limbs are the most important and most in need of exercise.

How to build leg muscles

Honestly speaking, you can’t get a truly strong body without well-developed and toned legs! If you don't work hard to train them, your size and strength will hit a bottleneck. Think about it, the lower limbs are still half of the body, and this program will cover 5 major muscle groups, including quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, adductor muscles, and calf muscles. It can be seen that we have a lot to discuss next.

In short, this program is divided into four parts.

First of all, weAnalyze the muscles of the lower limbs from an anatomical perspective; next, we will also analyze the bones and joints of the lower limbs; in the third part, I will introduce you to how your lower limbs, muscles, bones and joints work together to create various lower limb activities; finally , I will recommend some leg training methods that are very effective.

We choose IFBB professional fitness player Craig carpulso. We will help you understand the anatomical structure and function of the lower limb muscles and improve the quality of your training.

Leg Muscle Building Methods Muscle Anatomy

As mentioned before, your legs are almost half of your body. In this episode, we will analyze the 5 major muscle groups and a total of 17 types of muscles. I recommend that you start your lower body training from the quadriceps group, because beautiful and developed quadriceps are everyone's dream.

Look at Craig Carpulso’s leg muscles when he relaxes. The quadriceps muscle group is composed of four separate muscle tissues - vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus medius, and rectus femoris.