Front deltoid: barbell front raise

The front raise is a basic movement to exercise the front deltoid muscles. Usually we use barbells, dumbbells and cables to perform front raise training

Today I want to introduce to you: Plated Front Raises

Using a barbell for front raises will make you more stable.

Generally, it is easier to exert force and maintain balance in a standing position. Of course, there is also a front raise while reclining on a chair

Since the front raise is a single-joint (shoulder flexion) action, it is generally only suitable for lifting small to medium weights. Be careful not to be greedy for weight when choosing a bar!

Target training area: anterior deltoid muscle

Action essentials:

1. Stand naturally, or lean against a wall, holding a barbell or dumbbell hanging in front of your legs with both hands, with a shoulder-width grip.

2. Lift the barbell (or dumbbell) forward and upward (with your elbows slightly bent) until it is above eye level. Then, slowly lower the restore; repeat.


1. When lifting and lowering, keep the whole body upright, keep both arms straight, and focus on the front deltoid muscles.

2. During the movement, the core should be tightened to stabilize the body, and the movement can be completed by leaning on an inclined bench.

3. Lift height: Just keep the arms parallel. If it is too high, the trapezius muscles will be more involved, and there is a risk of shoulder pinch!