Today the editor will introduce an action Latissimus dorsi training - seated pull-down. This is also an essential and effective action for training back muscles. The training effect is the same as the pull-up training effect. same. So for junior fitness enthusiasts who are unable to do pull-ups because of insufficient strength, this seated pull-down will be the best alternative action, allowing beginners to control the weight of the load themselves.

Target exercise areas: latissimus dorsi, and other small muscle groups on the back (teres major, etc.)

Wide-grip pulldown (above): upper side of latissimus dorsi, The two outer parts can effectively increase the width of the latissimus dorsi muscle;

Narrow-grip pulldown (picture below): The lower side of the latissimus dorsi muscle can help increase the thickness of the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Action essentials:

1. Sit in a fixed seat on the back pull exercise machine On the top, hold the handles at both ends of the upper horizontal bar with both hands according to the grip distance and grip requirements.

2. Inhale, pull the bar vertically down from above the head to the back of the neck and shoulder level, or pull the bar vertically from above the head to the chest, pause for 2-3 seconds; then exhale, Slowly restore along the original path; repeat.