As people age, various indicators will decline. For example, older people have lower physical strength than younger people, and their muscles are slowly atrophying. Many elderly people will go out and exercise more at this time to protect themselves. So what do you think are some ways for the elderly to exercise muscles? Let’s go take a look below!

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1. Use the least amount of muscles to complete a job. For example, when standing up from a chair, try not to use your hands for support; if you can lift heavy objects with one hand, do not use both hands; when climbing stairs, only use your hands lightly or not to hold the railing to maintain balance, etc.

2. Resist gravity. Sit down slowly; go up and down stairs slowly; put objects down slowly.

3. Engage in isometric contraction of muscles. That is, the muscles are actively contracted, but the joints do not move and the length of the muscles remains unchanged, that is, the local muscles are tense. For example, when sitting, press the floor with your toes; when sitting on a single sofa, support the arm of the sofa chair with both hands; when lying down or sitting, press your legs against each other, etc. Contract the muscles for 10 seconds each time, relax, contract again, and repeat 8 to 10 times.

4. The muscles of the upper limbs can be exercised with dumbbells. The movements are in an upright or sitting position, and the upper limbs can be raised forward, sideways and elbow flexion. Abdominal muscles can be exercised with sit-ups. The muscles of the waist and back can be practiced, that is, when you are in the supine position, support the heels, head and neck, and lift the waist and abdomen; the muscles of the waist and back can also be in the prone position, doing a head-tilt movement, that is, lifting the upper and lower limbs at the same time, and touching them with your hands. Toes, supported by the abdomen. Lower limb muscles can be exercised by squatting, standing or leaping.

5. If you have difficulty squatting or have knee joint pain, you can use the static half squat method: separate your legs shoulder-width apart, with your knees in a half-squat position, straighten your upper body, and Place your arms on your waist and hold this position as still as possible. Gradually, from squatting for a dozen seconds or 2 minutes to half squatting for 20 minutes once a day.

6. Repeat multiple groups of push-ups, each group about 12 to 15 times. The number can also be determined according to your own endurance. 1 to 2 times a week, 20 minutes each time.