Many people are familiar with the vastus medialis muscle. In fact, the vastus medialis muscle is located on the front of the thigh. How to stretch the vastus medialis muscle can actually be done by kneeling with hip flexion, gliding, or using dumbbell plates for resistance. Training methods. So. What are the methods of stretching the vastus medialis? Next, let’s take a look at some stretching methods.

vastus medialis

Vastus Medialis Stretching Method

1. Kneeling and hip flexion

Put your hands on the ground, kneel on your knees, and then move your hips back and forth! Shift your center to your hip joint and feel the stretch in your adductors!

2. Use sliding

Kneeling with one leg, open one leg to the side, then slide to the side, then bend the hip and sit back.

3. Use dumbbell plates to add resistance

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs open and use the resistance of dumbbell plates to help open your hip joints.

Vastus Medialis Exercise Method

1. Lying on your back and raising your legs alternately

Let your body lie flat on the ground or on a mat, with your legs perpendicular to the ground. Relax your upper body and rest it naturally on the ground. Place your hands by your side. You can turn on the timer. Then, cross your legs and swing them left and right. Coordinate your breathing well. Do not exert force on your upper body. Pay attention. Put force on the inner thigh, feel the contraction of the inner thigh muscles, and make the muscles feel warm. This action can also be used to exercise the calves at the same time. Action essentials: exert force on the inner thighs, pinch them in the middle, stabilize the pelvis, and stick to the ground. It is recommended to do 3 to 5 groups of 12 to 15 times per group.

2. Scissor type

Lie flat on the ground or on a mat, with your legs perpendicular to the ground, your waist and pelvis close to the ground, don't exert any force on your upper body, open and close your legs like scissors, try to open the legs as wide as possible, feel the force on your inner thighs, and control Good legs, don't swing them back and forth. When doing this action, you need to pay attention to controlling your legs and not swaying around.

3. Lying on your side with your thighsReceive

Lie on your side on the ground or on a mat, straighten one leg, and bend the other leg in front of the straight leg. Lift the straight leg off the ground, and then lift it up, as high as your thigh can lift. range, and then switch to the other leg to practice. Be careful not to fold your body along with it, keep your eyes looking forward, and relax and straighten your upper body. Action essentials: Form the body into a flat plate, raise the toes, and exert force on the inner thighs. 12 to 15 times per group, do 3 to 5 groups.

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