The deltoid muscle is located on the shoulder. It belongs to the deltoid muscle from the outside of the clavicle, the shoulder head to the deltoid muscle of the humerus. When the arm is exerted, the deltoid muscle will bulge out of the arm, and the shape Similar to tiger head, it is also called tiger head muscle. Building up your deltoid muscles quickly requires a lot of extended stretching of your shoulders.


The deltoid muscle is on the shoulder

The deltoid muscle is on the shoulder because of its triangular shape Known as the deltoid muscle. From the outside of the clavicle, the shoulder area to the deltoid area of ​​the humerus, they all belong to the deltoid muscle. The deltoid muscle will bulge on the arm after exerting force. The shape is very similar to the head of a tiger, and is also called the tiger head muscle.

If you want to build your deltoid muscles quickly, you need to do a lot of shoulder stretching exercises. For example, lift barbells or dumbbells, do pull-ups, etc. to spread the shoulder joints outward. This method can quickly exercise your deltoid muscles and make your body more symmetrical.

For novices, the best way is to hold dumbbells with both hands, and lift the dumbbells upright and horizontally with your arms. After lifting, hold it still in the air for about 2 seconds and then put it down. Repeat this action, usually after a month. Only then can you add new movements. Do not directly perform movements such as barbell lifting and pull-ups, as this can easily cause muscle strain.