Lying Hip Adduction is also performed using tensioners, which mainly exercises the thigh adductor muscles.

Target muscle group: Adductor muscle group of thigh (Adductor magnus, Adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, pectineus, etc.)

Action essentials:

1. Lie flat on your back in the middle of the cross-cable machine, with weights on the ankles of both feet (you need help from others to complete this preparation), and hold your hips or the ground with both hands to keep your body stable.

2. Use the adductor muscles of both legs and thighs to pull the tensioner inward until the legs merge, pause for about 1 second, fully observe the peak contraction of the adductor muscles, and then slowly return to the yielding position. Repeat


1. Be careful not to move too violently Too fast to avoid injury, and there should be someone to protect and assist the completionbecome.

2. When practicing, you must always focus on the thigh adductors.

3. Slightly simple and easy lying position to adduct the legs: